Curriculum Intent for History

In this subject, children will have the opportunity to gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of British history and that of the wider world through historical enquiry. Through finding out about how and why the world, our country, culture and local community have developed over time, children will understand how the past influences the present. They will be supported and challenged to know more and remember more, enabling them to reach the end points for each key stage. This will equip them to succeed in education and in adult life, and to make a positive contribution to society for the common good.

History Implementation

Our topics have been designed to meet all aspects of the National Curriculum. The key historical knowledge and skills that children acquire and develop throughout each topic has been carefully planned and structured to ensure progression across and within year groups. At the beginning of each new history topic, teachers refer to classroom timelines with reference to the chronology of previous topics (including those from previous years) to develop children’s understanding of chronology. Our history curriculum is enhanced through the addition of visitors to the school, drama, use of artefacts, trips and residential visits.

History Long Term Plan

History Lesson Skeleton

History Knowledge And Skills Progression