Welcome to our Reception class page!

Throughout the school year, your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through the 7 areas of learning and development as outlined in EYFS statutory framework. Below is a broad overview of our EYFS Reception curriculum.

For some helpful information, and some ideas for fun, free activities, please refer to the following website;

Activities for 4-5 year olds – BBC Tiny Happy People


For further details on the teaching of phonics, please refer to the ‘English’ page of the ‘Curriculum Tab’.

In reception, children move through phase two, three and four of the Little Wandle phonics programme. It is through this teaching that children will learn to read and write.

Alongside our discrete phonics teaching, we share books and rhymes regularly and encourage children to talk about what they can see in the illustrations. Throughout the year both fiction and non-fiction books will be placed around the classrooms to support different areas of learning and to encourage a love of reading.

For more information, and some helpful hints, please refer to the following websites and/or apps;

Alphablocks – Cbeebies – BBC

Phonics: How to pronounce the sounds | Little Wandle

BookTrust: Reading with your child aged 4-6 years | BookTrust

Best Books for Reception | Ages 4-5 Recommended Reads | BooksForTopics


In reception, we use ‘White Rose’ to support our teaching in maths. Over the academic year we will focus on the six main areas that collectively underpin children’s early mathematical learning, and which provide the firm foundations for the math’s that children will encounter as they go up the years in primary school.

These are;

  • Cardinality and counting
  • Comparison
  • Composition
  • Pattern
  • Shape and Space
  • Measures

For more information, and some helpful hints, please refer to the following websites and/or apps;

Early Years | NCETM

Numberblocks – CBeebies – BBC

Advice and guidance for parents | White Rose Maths

Helpful Hints for Parents:

  • Our day runs from 8:45 – 3:10
  • Children have access to fruit, water and milk throughout the day.
  • All children in reception are entitled to a free school meal at lunchtime, however, children can also bring in a packed lunch from home. We ask that children do not bring in items containing nuts.
  • Reading books will be accessed via the e-library. Teachers will update the online reading shelf every Thursday once the children have read the book three times at school as part of their guided reading sessions.
  • P.E is taught on a Friday afternoon. Children will need their P.E kit in school for this.
  • On Tuesday afternoons (beginning Lent 2), we will be having ‘Forest Time’. Children are advised to bring in waterproof footwear, a change of clothes (something that you wouldn’t mind getting muddy) and a waterproof jacket.
  • Children will be able to access our ‘Toy Library’ once a week. This is where children can choose a toy to take home and enjoy with their families. We ask this is returned a week later and at this point your child will be able to choose a different toy to take home.

If you have any questions, or queries, please message Miss Walton or Mrs Forbes on the Class Dojo pages.